Internationally Renowned Angel Artist Shares What an Artist Experiences When Working With the Angels
Sharae Taylor, an Angel artist, is on a passionate spiritual journey and shares her story of what it is like to work with the Angels. "It is a unique experience and very real," states Sharae.
In 1993, Sharae gave over her talent to the Divine to paint Angels. Sharae, having a decorative painting business and feeling led to paint Angels gave that up... and one step led to another... and so began the journey...."I Shall Paint Angels"
Sharae, of Angels by Sharae ( describes how the Angel paintings and messages are created:
"I start by asking for the name of the person whose Angel is being painted. Then when someone places a commission to have their Angel painted, or places one for someone as a gift, their Angel knows! From this moment forward the Angel makes preparations and chooses a timing to reveal itself and all that it has to share with you. If you truly seek your Guardian Angel and want to know your Angel, this is the time to reach out to your Angel with all of your heart and soul. Ask and seek guidance! You will be surprised at how much guidance you will receive. The Angels are just waiting for you to ask them and they will instantly respond.
When I call upon the Angel of the name given, and if the Angel indicates it is ready (Angels work in their own timeline), I then proceed.
The voice is like whispers of the wind gently blowing through soft wind chimes, yet very clear. I can feel the Angel surround me with electrifying light and energy that covers my whole body. The whole canvas is surrounded and illuminated with glowing white light. At this point I do not see the Angel, but hear and feel the Angel in and around me. The Angel then tells me what colors will be used and I then paint the background as energy begins to flow down my arm to my paintbrush asI paint. As I finish the final few strokes of the background, the Angel suddenly appears in the painting as an abstract image or impression coming through the painted background. I then begin to paint the Angel...with each and every brushstroke guided by the Angel, only allowing their vibration and that of God to come through the portrait. I am guided on how to do each area and when something has been done to the Angel's satisfaction I am told..yes! Exactly! Leave it just like that!
You will notice in my paintings the Angels have no faces. I believe "Only God can create their faces...look closely into the paintedbrushstrokes and background, and you will see your Angel's face.
When the painting is finished I am told. I sign my name feeling blessed each and every time. I then start writing, word for word, all that the Angel wishes to share with the one it loves, protects, guides and nurtures every day of their life. Each message is mystifying and personal...and above all, touching. I have not met a person yet, who truly sought to know their Angel, not walk away amazed and touched.
The process is the same whether it is for a Guardian Angel painting, Archangel or Angel Painting. I do not need the name for the Archangel , unless I am specifically painting a particular Archangel, then I do ask for that Archangel name. "Angel Messages for Humanity" paintings are left to the Divine's choice on which Angel wishes to present itself. I just go with the flow. Each and every time I paint an Angel, is like the first time. The excitement and the passion is always there to be the channel for this work.
The belief and knowingness of the Angels is needed now more than ever in this unsettled world. This is the reason why "Angel Messages for Humanity" collection series has been created. The more contact you allow yourself with the Angels, the more peace you will feel within yourselves and this will begin to reflect in your own lives and create a feeling of self-empowerment to replace feelings that things are out of your control."
Sharae, is a well known Intuitive Angel Artist whose paintings are in world wide collections and her works have been exhibited with other well known Angel Artists Andy Lakey , Donna Terody Sheratan, Gary Markowitz, past art editor of "Angel Times" magazine and K. Martin Kuri, Angel Artist and Author. She has also participated in many Angel Expos and Angel Conferences with other well known Angel Authors Alma Daniels, author of "Ask Your Angels" and John Ronner author, of "Do You Have a Guardian Angel".
Sharae's Angel paintings have been used in web design & magazine articles and are in private collections, offices, healing centers and special needs centers for children. She is also in the beginning stages of writing and illustrating her own children's books for future publication. One of her articles was recently published in the July issue of Mystic Pop magazine and has an article published in February's issue of " Inspire " online magazine by Barbara Rose ( Sharae's original painting "Mother Mary Believe" is featured in the newly released "Angels" DVD in the United Kingdom, produced by Llewellyn( for New World Music (
Sharae truly believes we are here to make a difference and if something comes into your awareness it is your responsibilty to respond in whatever way you can. She also believes we are all healers and the talents that come easily and naturally and from the heart are truly what we are supposed to be doing with our lives ... responding with the heart.
Sharae accepts commissions.
Please visit her extensive galleries of her work at her website: She can be reached by email at:
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