Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Art as a Healing Force Through the Angel Paintings Created by Internationally Renown Intuitive Angel Artist Sharae Taylor

Angel healing art that uplifts, motivates, comforts and heals. Angels art gallery. Angel Messages for Humanity. Guardian Angels & Archangels work through Sharae delivering their message of Light. An incredible collection of Angels in art with a higher Divine purpose.

For Immediate Release

contact: Sharae Taylor


Angel Art Heals

All of Sharae's Angel paintings are unique and each one is an original. They are a form of healing art. They uplift, motivate, comfort, heal and inspire. Each painting holds it's on inspirational energy and you do not have to be a " Believer" for this to work. These paintings work on a deep emotional level, clearing, healing and comforting. Inspiring within each individual that gazes upon them their own God like image and this is how the healing takes place. A place of beauty and perfection is remembered by the Soul.

Each painting is personal, whether it be in one of her collection series or for a specific individual or relationship or group. Upon completion of each painting, Sharae knows that it is indeed meant for someone and their heart and soul will instantly know and respond to the Angel and the energy before them in the painting. Sharae's Angel art is a gift, given to and through her talent by Divine Angels guidance instructed to them by a much Higher Source. The Angels oversee and instruct every brushstroke and detail of paint color and every brushstroke within each painting ... they truly know "Who" the painting is for and the message it portrays. You can read more about how the paintings are created on Sharae's Studio page(http://www.angelsbysharae.com/sharaesangelsstudio.html). These paintings are truly a "Living" source of Divine Energy.

Sharae states: "I have witnessed some pretty amazing healings, releasements, and reactions when people have gazed upon them and truly responded with their soul ! "

Each day, more and more documented proof is coming through from the medical fields proving that Art and Music are truly a recognized healing tool to be used by everyone. Whether it be in participation, gazing upon or listening ... Art heals. This has always been known in the Alternative and Holistic medicines, but now is being used more and more in the traditional medicines opening up a whole new train of thought causing many, many positive results benefiting all. Sharae looks forward to it becoming an everyday occurrence ... just as a standard prescription is used.

Sharae accepts commissions.

Visit her galleries: www.anglesbysharae.com

She can be reached by email: mailto:sharae@angelsbysharae.com"