Saturday, February 05, 2005


Internationally Well Known Angel Artist Given Vision of Painting
"And God Was Waiting" December 26, 2004

Internationally well known Angel artist Sharae Taylor of Angels by Sharae
was given a vision of comfort for those
left behind in the aftermath of the tsunami of December 26, 2004.

Sharae, immediately put her paints to work recreating the vision that she
was given to canvas.

She is hoping this will give some comfort to the remaining friends and family
members of those lost
in the devasting tsunami.

Sharae is quoted to say on how the vision was given ...

" AS EVERYONE ELSE, as the news came in of the tsunami of December 26, 2004
I sat contemplating the enormity of this many spirits crossing over at one time. How
do you find comfort in this? How do the victims and their families find comfort ? There
has to be a way to ease the pain of the heart ... some peace ... even if we cannot
understand it all at this time.

I was immediately given a vision in my head as a feeling of great love and compassion
washed over me and knew this to be my next painting. I asked what is the name of this
painting ? Again, an immediate answer ... " And God Was Waiting "

I have tried to convey on canvas the image in my mind's eye of what I was given. By no
means does it capture the multitudes and multitudes of Angels that were waiting to help
these thousands of spirits with so much love through their transition.

I hope it will bring some comfort."

The artist, Sharae Taylor states.

Prints of the painting "And God Was Waiting" will be available in the next few weeks with
20% of the proceeds being donated to the tsunami relief fund to help assist the children left
behind. You will be able to pre-order the prints and can find out more
information on how to do this on her site (

Sharae Taylor is a highly collectible and sought after internationally well known intuitive
Angel artist on a spiritual journey whose paintings are in world wide collections. Her works
have been exhibited with other well known Angel Artists Andy Lakey , Donna Terody Sheratan,
Gary Markowitz, past art editor of "Angel Times" magazine and K. Martin Kuri, Angel Artist and
Author. She has also participated in many Angel Expos and Angel Conferences with other well
known Angel Authors like Alma Daniels author of "Ask Your Angels" and John Ronner author
of "Do You Have a Guardian Angel".

Sharae's Angels are currently being featured in the February issue of the online magazine,
Planet ( sister site to (

Sharae's Angel paintings have been used in web design & magazine articles and are in
private collections, offices, healing centers and special needs centers for children. She is
also in the beginning stages of writing and illustrating her own children's books for future
publication. One of her articles was recently published in the July issue of Mystic Pop
magazine and in the first issue of " Inspire " online magazine by Barbara Rose
( Her paintings have also been used in a new Angel DVD by
Llewellyn ( ) scheduled for release in February. 2005.

Sharae's purpose is to deliver artwork that has a
" message ". She specializes in personalized Guardian Angel paintings with a personalized
message from the individual's Angel, Archangels and Relationship Angels. Her website
Angels by Sharae ( has an extensive gallery of her works

Sharae truly believes we are here to make a difference and if something comes into your
awareness it is your responsibilty to respond in whatever way you can. She also believes
we are all healers and the talents that come easily and naturally and from the heart are truly
what we are supposed to be doing with our lives ... responding with the heart.

Barbara Rose, well know author ( writes after receiving her
Guardian Angel painting:

"I was SO curious as to what Sharae heard and experienced when she did my Guardian
Angel painting. Here is what she described in an e-mail to me":;

Sharae: " I didn't hear anything ....I felt it......when I started painting it the energy kept building
and building and the colors started swirling like a lava lamp and glowing and at the same time
being projected at me ...into me...I was full of pressure like when you are channeling heavy duty know what I am talking about.....the painting is in layers and layers and I worked with
it until about 5 this morning and then had to quit so it could start drying and I could start putting
on more has some shimmer paints in it in different colors that you can't tell in the picture
and coming down from the halo is see thru gold....Yes ...I did hear something...just remembered it....
the voice said that you would recognize this because you know it....."

Barbara:" When I look at this picture, I feel so much Divine energy. It is quite powerful, like a
thousand watt bulb of light energy. I feel a strong, Divine and powerful presence, filled with
Love and Divine purpose. Just looking at it brings me a feeling of Divine support, and assurance.
This painting is priceless to me, and is something I would recommend to commission as a gift
both for yourself, and for anyone who would love to feel the energy your own personal painting will bring."

"I am deeply grateful to Sharae for creating this painting with the Divine energy that swirled all
around her. It is a gift that I will keep for the rest of my life ". ... Barbara Rose

Sharae currently has an article entitled "Angels - Are They More Than Messengers?"
( published in the February, 2005
issue of "Inspire Magazine". Sharae also has an active Angel Forum "All About Angels" with
"Born To Inspire" ( associated with "Inspire Magazine".

We will definitely see and hear more about this Angel artist as she passionately continues
her "spiritual journey" delivering her visions and messages in the art form gifted to her for the
Angel paintings that one's soul responds to.

To View the " And God Was Waiting " painting, and print information visit :

To View Barbara Rose's Guardian Angel Painting, visit:

To read more about how the paintings are created, visit:

Sharae accepts commissions ( orders for custom paintings ).
Please visit her extensive galleries of her work at her website: and can also be contacted through her site.