Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Purpose of a Relationship and Why an Angel Has Been Assigned

God in His wisdom has given eac

It is God's intent to
manifest Love to it's fullest in relationships as this is the purest form of
love. It does not matter if it is between family members, lovers, married
individuals, mother and child or father and child, best friends or business
partners. The sole existence of a relationship is to bring the highest good
forth and as it does this it escalates to a higher form of love. It then
proceeds to lap over onto every thing it comes in contact with or touches. Think
about this ... does not all relationships reach out in some form or manner and
touch those around it? What a grand and glorious thing this is. Think about the
existing relationships in your own lives ... even a business relationship is
formed to bring a product or service to the forefront for the betterment of
mankind and the business partners themselves.

We must strive to
recognize the importance of the relationships in our lives ... why do they exist?

What is the good that comes from these relationships and why at this time in
our lives do they exist ? Are we to learn from them ? Are we to grow from them ?
What does our soul achieve in it's own growth by drawing relationships to it ?
The soul has enormous power to draw to itself those things and people that will
help it achieve it's higher purpose.

I say to you ...
examine, be grateful for and acknowledge the importance of all relationships in
your life for there is a higher purpose behind each and everyone of them.

A good question to ask
is "What is God's intent in this Relationship?" much like some ask "What would
Jesus do?" ... think about this and the profoundness of the basic relationship
will take on a whole new meaning for you.


© Sharae

Reprint Version

Sharae is an Angel
Artist who's intent is to bring forth through her Angel paintings the highest
truth and the glory of God. This shows in all her categories of Angel paintings.
Visit her website , "Angels by
Sharae "and her Angel galleries to experience and to perhaps order an
Angel Painting specifically for your needs

Brought to you


"Angels by

all Angel images and
context copyright of © Sharae Taylor