Monday, April 14, 2008

Mother's Are "Earth Angels"

God’s Gift to You... ’Mom’ ... Remember Her on May 11

by Sharae Taylor

Have you ever thought what you would have done without your Mother? Then why is it Mom’s are usually the low woman on the totem pole? God thought enough of us to give us an earthly Guardian Angel and so many times, more than we could truthfully count this is the person we lash out at the most with the excuse it’s OK it’s only Mom. Thinking of the old cliché "we always hurt the one we the love the most" truly believing that all is forgiven... Mom’s tough she can handle it... Mom knows deep down that I really don’t mean it... well, Mom’s don’t know that.

I am following my guidance in the writing of this article because Mom’s need to be exalted...not trodden upon. Remember what I stated previously... God loves us enough that we are personally given an earthly Guardian Angel. Think about this for a moment... allow the monumental impact of that statement to sink in and all that encompasses. The one person that will always love you no matter what.

As we get older we don’t think we need Mom quite as much as we did before and sometimes we think we don’t need her input at all... What does she know? She’s behind the times. If the truth be known and we really take the time to look at it... Mom still knows pretty much more than we do. She is the crone that has gone before us ... experienced pretty much what we are going through now ourselves. Grant you times have changed and many Mom’s have not faced the extreme challenges that so many of the younger generation is facing now ... like drugs, the extreme peer pressure of joining a gang ...male or female, but all the same the challenges were pretty much the same when she was growing up only in another format ...drinking, smoking, sex, guarding your reputation and with a lot more condemnation than is going on in 2008.

What I am trying to get across here is... Mom has lots of knowledge and lots experience for you to tap into and to honor.

Mother’s day is coming up May 11th. and what will you do for your Mother ? Will you remember to pick up the telephone to make the long distance telephone call to Mom who is now 3,000 miles away or lives just around the block that you haven’t seen or talked to in several weeks? Will you remember to order, purchase or make a special gift for her ? To send her a Mother’s Day card that isn’t an e-mail ? ... to just let her know how special she is to you ... loved, honored and respected ...

Remember ...

God loves us enough that we are personally given an earthly Guardian Angel...


One of God’s greatest gifts to us.

© 2008 Sharae Taylor

Sharae Taylor is a well known Intuitive Angel Artist whose paintings are in world wide collections and her works have been exhibited with other well known Angel Artists Andy Lakey ,Donna Terody Sheratan,Gary Markowitz, past art editor of "Angel Times" magazine and K. Martin Kuri, Angel Artist and Author. Sharae has also participated in many Angel Expos and Angel Conferences with other well known Angel Authors like Alma Daniels author of "Ask Your Angels" and John Ronner author of "Do You Have a Guardian Angel". Her Angel paintings are featured in the newly released "Angels" DVD by Llewellyn and New World Music and was featured in the February 2005 issue of

To view Sharae’s Angelic art and for further information visit her website

Permission given for reprint as long as credit and links fully intact

Friday, April 11, 2008

Angel Update for Angels by Sharae


Just a quick note to update you on a few new things on Angels by Sharae ...

1. My "Monthly Special" as you are aware I have offered for a very long time as my way of giving back to let everyone take advantage and have their own personalized Angel Painting. Now to offer more variety and savings I have now changed it to my "Weekly Special" each week a new size and category will be offered ... every 7 days there will be something new. There are really two specials a week ... I am offering a 6 x 8 Canvas Angel painting for those of you that want something smaller or as a gift ... that will be listed as Special 2 ... don't let the monthly special in the url below fool you ... it was easier to update the page instead of creating a whole new web page ... time is valuable ! LOL!

2. The "Archangel Michael Attunement" is Now Available! Susan and I are very excited about this attunement as we know many have been waiting for it.

3. The Angel Prints are still being offered Buy 2 get 2 FREE of the same size ... No Expiration Date on this right now ... This has been such a success for people wanting Angels to give as a gift so I thought...Why not just keep it this way ... Especially with Mother's Day coming up on May 11th and there have been several new Angel print choices added that you may not be aware of.

4. The Free Angel Reading cards are still available and many use them daily ... I do this myself as they are truly uncanny!

Of course, I am still available for your one on one questions

5. One last thing ... I am updating my current mailing list to 2008 ... and deleting the old one as so many of the email addresses are out dated ... if you would like to be added you can sign up on the Ask the Angels page ... you will receive a confirmation email that you must click on to be added ... this is just a way to make sure you do want to be added ... also check your junk or spam mail as I know several have emailed me wondering what happened and this is where they found their confirmation email ... I also am keeping an eye on the pending file as some are not receiving the confirmation email because of their provider sending it back as undeliverable ...please put in your email OK to receive emails from

I want to wish you a most Joyous Spring, may the Angels surround you with their love and may you continue to listen for their guidance ... and many, many blessings,

Much love,

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Archangel Michael Attunement

Archangel Attunement ~ The Definition

Attunement ~ To bring into a harmonious or responsive relationship. Also referred to as at-one-ment, the term relates primarily to the idea that complete oneness with God can be experienced by human beings... (New Age Dictionary on Attunement)

Archangel Attunements are divine energy transmissions from the Archangels to you. An attunement is given through the grace and unconditional love from the Archangel to you, and is made possible by your direct divine desire to receive the Angelic Alignment within your heart, mind, body, and soul ...

Archangel Michael also known as "Lord Michael", and "the great Prince," is considered by many to be the greatest of all angels. The name "Michael" means, "Who is as God." Michael’s radiant love for god and humanity burns brightly across the heavens, as he and his legions of angels work miracles throughout the universe.

It is said that Michael was present at the creation of the universe and has vowed to remain in his position as overseer to the evolution of humanity. Michael has played an important role throughout many of our religious scriptures, and is one of the few Archangels that are mentioned in the Bible. Archangel Michael is revered within the Christian, Islamic, and Jewish traditions.

Michael known as the Archangel of courage and protection is often depicted as wearing armor, carrying a shield and wielding a protective sword. Michael’s sword is a sacred symbol for the blue flame of truth and justice that Michael so generously administers to all those who call for his aide and protection. The spiritual intensity of Michael’s blue flame has the ability to cut through earthly illusions of fear, self-doubt, and hopelessness, while brightly shinning the light of inner truth and divinity that resides at the center of our being.

Archangel Michael governs the first ray, the ray of the will to do. Some of the qualities that Archangel Michael radiates are those of courage, strength, integrity, faith, love, and protection.

Archangel Michael reaches out to us to awaken to our own divinity. He reveals that God is and has always been here with us, within us…. The essence of the very truth of who we are. The very heart of who we are. Michael reveals that any feeling or sense of separation from god is an illusion. This illusion is created by the structure and consciousness of the 3rd dimension. And we as seekers of ever expanding consciousness choose to explore depth and the dynamics of the material and denser planes of existence. We did this in order to create

Michael reveals to us in our time of transformation and longing to return to the heart of God,…..Just as the wave is never separated from the ocean… You have never been separated from the divine presence. It is time for you to embrace the divinity and magnificent of who you are.

Archangel Michael is calling out to all light bearers and light workers of the world to shine your blue flames of courage and divine truth for all to see. With joy and love open your hearts to love right here, right now….Today…. Set your heart on fire with passion and love and light the way for those who cannot see. Believe and know in your heart that you are the light and the way…. The journey to heaven is here. Heaven is all around you now…. Open your eyes, and your heart and let it in. Let Grace and Gratitude light the way

Archangel Michael ... and the Blue Ray ...
Archangel Michael Attunement ~ To Order Print & Attunement or Painting ...

© 2008 Susan Hart & Sharae Taylor &