Tuesday, November 07, 2006

11:11 Star Gateway to Spiritual Illumination with The Archangels & Susan Hart

11:11 Star Gateway
to Spiritual Illumination
The Archangels & Susan Hart

"Your soul is a direct link to the Divine, having always been connected to Source.It is your birthright, to commune directly with the Angelic Realms and the Divine.This 11:11 Portal is a Potent and Powerful time for us to re-activate this connection deep within the very fabric of our being, while anchoring the truth of who we are at the very center of our hearts. Let us come together and awaken to our True Divine Essence of Blissful Beingness and celebrate our own Divine Angelic Connection. This is the homecoming..... long, long awaited"
... Susan Amaraiel Hart

You are Joyfully and Lovingly Invited to Join the Archangels and Susan Hart For a Celebration of Divine Awakening and Angelic Connections

This is truly a transformative time to celebrate our uniqueness of spirit and to activate and fully embody our soul consciousness. We are being called, by our higher selves, to embrace and fully step into our spiritual mastery to bring, peace, prosperity, joy, bliss and divine love here on planet Earth today.

During this Most Auspicious Day of Angelic Awakening:

  • A deep energetic 'God seed' will be Angelically activated inside your heart that will accelerte the opening into your awakened self. this awakening will energetically elevate you to living your life to it's fullest and highest spiritual potential.
  • We have a blessed opportunity to work with the Archangels and the number 11:11, a master number that activates soul/heart awakening and spiritual mastery
  • The Archangels will be working directly with your higher selves, opening our divine channels to communicating with the Angelic Realms
  • Together with the guidance of our higher selves and the Archangels we will heal some old wounds, patterns, as well as limiting belief systems i order to rebirth ourselves ito the beauty of our own unique and Divine Nature.
  • There will be an activation by the Archangels, of our light body and a full activation of our 12 strands of DNA
  • We will also receive an activation and alignment of our 12-Chakra system, opening us to receiving our unique and special gifts of these higher energy centers. This will include the gifts of accessing our past life talents and abilities, helping us to achieve and develop spiritual mastery in order to begin creating our most desired reality here today

  • Let your spirit soar as you step out of the old paradigm and take on a new octave of transformation. Anchor your dreams and heart in your multidimensional self to know god within yourself and everyone else.


    Saturday, November 11
    10am to 5pm


    The Meeting Room
    2999 Overland Ave (& National)
    Los Angeles, CA 90064


    $80 day of event or $65 if prepaid

    To register, contact Zahn at 310-466-1690 or quantumzann@yahoo.com

    Susan Hart is an Angel channel, healer and visionary. Her passion is to inspire others to connect with their truth and live their dreams. In 2005, Susan was honored as a spiritual healer in the LA CONFIDENTIAL article: GOOD MEDICINE, The Best Doctors in LA.

    For More about Susan Hart: www.angelheartconnections.com
    Information brought to you by

    Angels by Sharae ~ www.angelsbysharae.com