Press Release: Angels & Virtue - Art Your Soul Responds To
Angels & Virtue - Art Your Soul Responds To
Internationally renowned Angel artist, Sharae Taylor, of Angels by Sharae ( announced today her New Assignment is "Angels & Virtue". Art for a New Age - art your soul responds to.
(PRWEB) August 24, 2005 -- Internationally renowned Angel artist, Sharae Taylor, of Angels by Sharae ( announced today her New Assignment is "Angels & Virtue". Art for a New Age - art your soul responds to.
Sharae has had a strong affinity and connection to the Angels for decades. As always, Sharae is delegated by her inner knowingness and her connection to the Angels that now is the time for their help to manifest in the physical reality these Divine Virtues through her Angel paintings. Sharae has been instructed these Angels & Virtue paintings will speak to you in many ways and it is your responsibility to respond in how you feel personally guided. To order one for yourself or possibly a gift .. that is up to you as Sharae is only the channel for these Angel paintings to bring forth the new energies ... art for a new age.. art your soul responds to. These Angels & Virtue Angel paintings all have a specific purpose and are completely individualized for each individual.
"Some people and religions believe in the seven (7) virtues and other people and religions or belief in the Ascended Masters now believe in the Twelve (12) Divine Virtues. Angels & Virtue - as I am guided, I am now offering these Twelve Divine Virtues in the form of Angel paintings. Each painting is to be created specifically for the person, persons, group, church or association that requests these. I choose to paint the Twelve Divine Virtues as they speak to my heart ... Beauty, Compassion, Courage, Curiosity, Imagination, Joy, Justice, Love, Loyalty, Power, Purity and Will. The Ascended Master teachings in the form of Angel paintings. Archangels & Virtues have long been in the history of Angelology.
As the gallery grows with examples of these original Angels and Virtue paintings I will share them with you in all their glory in the gallery created to showcase them.
Humanity's remembrance of the Divine Virtues is very much needed at this time in our planet's evolution ... a back to basics. We all need our spirits calmed, balanced and restored on a daily basis. Music and Art is a must in our environment. Gentle beauty and peacefulness is like fertilizer to the garden. This is why I have been given this new type of Angel painting. They are instilled with and bring the energies of the Angel that has been assigned to these virtues. The paintings are created in the traditional way that I have always been instructed to paint my Angel paintings. These paintings reach a new depth that hasn't been brought forth until now ... as I experience more and more of these paintings I will be able to share with you the additional information I gain and am given ... I fully trust these paintings are what they claim to be from the witnessing I have been able to see of the paintings I have actually been able to place in the individual's hand for whom the painting was intended and first hand see and feel their reaction ... I will keep you updated." stated Sharae.
"Sharae is a fantastic Intuitive Angelic Medium where she is bringing through messages from the Angels in her paintings to help uplift humanity. I know from having spoken with her many times on what she "sees" and the energies that swirl around her, that she is, in fact, bringing a healing balm to the many souls that want a feeling of Angelic presence, and inner peace. She works from the heart center, and cares deeply about uplifting humanity. This, I have found, is one of her greatest motivations, and as a result, her work is entirely inspiring and uplifting, as well as beautifully filled with Angelic messages and energy. Both she and her work are treasures." ... Barbara Rose, Editor, Inspire! magazine (
Sharae Taylor is a highly collectible and sought after internationally well known intuitive Angel artist on a passionate spiritual journey whose paintings are in world wide collections. Her works have been exhibited with other well known Angel Artists Andy Lakey , Donna Terody Sheratan, Gary Markowitz, past art editor of "Angel Times" magazine and K. Martin Kuri, Angel Artist and Author. She has also participated in many Angel Expos and Angel Conferences with other well known Angel Authors, Alma Daniels author of "Ask Your Angels" and John Ronner author of "Do You Have a Guardian Angel".Sharae's Angels were currently featured in the February issue of the online magazine, Planet ( sister site to ( and is featured in the newly released "Angels" DVD in the United Kingdom, produced by Llewellyn ( for New World Music (
Sharae's Angels and the newest lines of "Angels & Virtue" and "Angel of Comfort" (created for sympathy, grief & loss gifts) can be seen at her extensive gallery website or